Early College At Your High School
在你的高中早期大学(跑步开始)允许你注册在你的高中教授的RVCC课程,这是你日常推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的一部分. 你通过该课程获得的大学学分可以用于完成RVCC的课程,或者学分可以转移到全国各地的其他学院和大学. 这个项目将通过每门课程150美元的学费减免,帮助你减轻支付大学学费的压力.
我们的 Early College At Your High School Program Guide 会提供更多关于注册过程的细节,以及如何在你的高中学习RVCC课程才能获得学位课程.
Registration for Early College At Your High School can be completed online through DualEnroll.
Early College at RVCC (Bridge2College)
Early College At RVCC (Bridge2College) FAQ’s
Bridge2College是一个早期的大学项目,高中生在这里学习大学课程以获得大学学分. 根据课程的不同,你的高中也可能把学分计入高中学分. 获得的学分可以用于推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜(RVCC)的学位,也可以转移到另一所学院或大学.
Bridge2College让积极进取的学生在高中就有机会学习大学水平的课程,而且价格实惠! You might take courses your high school doesn’t offer or get started on your career! 你将接触到各种各样的职业道路,并了解大学学术生活的期望. 你可以加快攻读学位或证书的速度,这将节省你的时间和金钱.
Meet with your school 辅导员 or parent. 在一起, 你将决定自己是否准备好了,并决定哪门大学课程最能满足你的需求和兴趣. 你的辅导员或家长也可以建议你的课程是否满足高中的要求. The program is open to high school sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Use the online form on this page to register for your course. Please complete all sections of the form and do not leave any areas blank. 如果你未满18岁,你的父母/监护人也需要在表格上签字.
是的! Follow the same process as described above. 对于在家上学的学生,你的父母或监护人是你的顾问, 辅导员, 高中校长. They will serve in that function as you complete your online registration form.
The current cost for a three credit course is $322.00. This is heavily discounted over the typical fee of $645.00 per three credit course. 这个学费率一直延续到高中毕业后的夏季学期. 还有新罕布什尔州长奖学金,每学年为符合条件的新罕布什尔高中学生提供两门免学费课程
These are decisions you make with your high school 辅导员. 在线课程是可用的,但你可能想要反思在线课程是否适合你的学习风格.
您可以要求将正式成绩单发送到您正在就读的学院/大学. If the course you take will be accepted for high school credit, your high school may ask for an official transcript. As a Bridge2College student we will provide these transcripts at no charge. Your Bridge2College courses are part of you official academic record at RVCC. 我们不能, 然而, guarantee that another college or university will accept the credits you take at RVCC. That decision is made by the college or university you choose to attend. 我们的转让专家, 伊丽莎白Guimond, can assist with this process.
We are pleased to offer the Early College programs to our high school community. For more information, contact:
杰瑞·阿佩尔, Coordinator of 高中课程
603-542-7744 x5349